How does it feel when you see yourself in reality with same expressions, gesture or might be everything will be same ? Is this possible that person or that thing might take your place? What will you do then?
I am talking about Human Cloning. So,lets know something about Human cloning or Can I use how are they going to take over your place?
Human Cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human.The word ” Cloning” comes from the Greek word,means sprout or branch.
The possibility of cloning became a serious subject of speculation in 20 th century.
J. B. S. Haldane was the first to introduce the idea of human cloning for which he used the terms ” Clone ” and ” Cloning”.
Two commonly discussed types of theoretical human cloning are therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning. Therapeutic cloning involve cloning cells from a human for medical and transplants purpose , while Reproductive Cloning would involve making an entire cloned human. So let’s move towards the journey of knowing something amazing about human cloning:-
1.Successful experiments of human cloning:-
1)Dolly, the sheep
Dolly was cloned from a cell taken from the mammary gland of a 6 yrs old Finn Dorset Sheep and an egg cell taken from Scottish Blackface Sheep.
It was born on 5th July 1996 .Dolly was important because she was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell.
But ,Dolly was died from a progressive lung disease five months before her 6th birthday on 14 Feb, 2003.
Dolly had been considered to be ” The most famous sheep”. Dolly was not the first one clone before Dolly, two other sheep, Megan and Morag, had also been cloned in the Roslin Institute.
2)World’s first human clone
A baby has been born through cloning , French Scientist and member of the Raelian Sect, Brigitte Bossielier. The baby named as ‘ Eve’ by the scientist on day of her birthday, 26 December, 2002.
But , before that the first hybrid human clone was already created in November 1998 , by Advanced Cell Technology, while ” Eve”has been born through reproductive cloning.
3)Monkey Clones
Tera( born on October 1999) is a rhesus macaque that was created through a cloning technique called ” Embryo splitting”.
They were the first cloned primate by artificial twinning and was created by a team led by Professor Gerald Schatten of the Oregon National Prinate Research Centre.
There has been lots experiments going on human cloning.To clone a human, it costs around estimated range from $ 200,000 to $ 2 million.
2.Can dead ones come back? Can we use cloning to bring back extinct species ? Or Can we bring dinosaurs back?
Panayiotis Zavos,of the Kentucky Centre for Reproductive Medicine Lexington,US ,said that his has shown that cells taken dead human could be used for cloning.
Let’s talk about some experiments which were done on this topic.
- Japanese researchers had reported on cloning mice from frozen corpses of mice which died after some time.
2)An extinct wild goat called as Bucardo, or Pyrenean Ibex had been resurrected by cloning for the time through the clone, which lived for ten minutes.
In the end, these experiments give the prove that there might bevsome possibilities of bringing dead ones to live through cloning. Let’s talk about dinosaur’s come back.
While dinosaur’s bones can survive for millions of years,dinosaur DNA almost certainly does not found yet. But,some scientists continue to search for it just in case.So ,right now it looks like a cloning a dinosaur is off the table.
3.Evidence of human cloning in ancient India.
Have you ever heard about the oldest Indian holy book Mahabharata? In that epic,there was a character called Gandhari,wife of Dritharashtra,, she was the mother of 101 children? But, how can a women give birth to 101 children?
So,lets move on the story of how that was possible on that time.
It is said that Kunti,Pandu’s wife and Gandhari ,Dritharashtra ‘s wife were both expecting pregnancy at the same time. Kunti gave birth to het first son,Yudhistir first but Gandhari had prolonged pregnancy of two yrs. So,with jealousy,Gandhari beat her pregnant belly which resulted in a strange miscarriage and she delivered a lump of flesh.
Apparently,Sage Ved Vyas,cut 100 pieces of flesh,immersed them in a pot of ghee and kept,them under buried and 100 children were born after 1 year.
A surgeon from the Maulana Azad Medical Collegebin New Delhi, B. G Matapurkar,who also hold s U. S. Patent on technique of Organ Regeneration ,is of the believe that the Kauravas( sons of Gandhari) were cloned by spilitting the embryo into 100 pieces.
We can also finds lots evidence in the oldest book of the world, The Rigveda, as well as in many Indian epic literatures like Vishnu puran etc.,
4)Why Human cloning is banned? Are human clones will be exact like their original copy?
As,Human Clones are made from the cells of the human, so their DNA will be exact like human s. But, might be human clones will be more weak than humans in terms of their digestion, environment adaption and many more difficulties they have to face off.
While ,Cloning humans could help us find new ways to recover from trauma but they might cause imbalance and be unethical in the society at the same time as well.
So, let ‘s know,why human cloning is banned?
In terms of Section 39 A of the Human Tissue Act 65 of 1983 ,genetic manipulation of gametes or zygotes outside the human body os absolutely prohibited . A Zygote is the cell resulting from the fusion of two gametes, thus the fertilised Ovum. Section 39 A, this prohibits human clones.
More than 70 countries have formally human cloning.While encouraging this, International Organizations like UN are also trying their best to prohibit this human cloning.
But, still there are also some companies who are providing services that use cloning technology. For example, South Korean based Soak Biotech clones pets for aroun $ 100,000 and a Texas based Company, Viagen Pets, clones cats for $ 25000 and dogs for $ 50,000.
What would you think about human cloning? How it will change everything around us? Because, if we bring back those who already finished, they might cause a great imbalance in society as well. If I talk about success rate of human cloning is only 10 % for each experiment, and it is risky also.
So, I can say that a new era will be going to come in which human clones will be more preferable than human because they are just like humans,may be more usuable and important than humans.
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